
Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year is now OPEN! Click on the link for your child’s grade below.

Here are some important points about priority in enrollment and scheduling:

  • FULL-TIME students will be given priority regardless of time stamp on form.

  • PART-TIME students in grades 6-12 will be notified after May 1 if they are enrolled (based on space available in classes).

  • If you have questions about the details of how we prioritize enrollment and scheduling, please review the document, “MVCS (Grade 6-12) Enrollment and Scheduling Process” which is taken from MVCS policy STU.100.0. We follow this process exactly.

Homeschool High School Credit

Students who will join MVCS’s high school program full-time fall under MVCS policy EDU.250.0 (“Determining Incoming Homeschool High School Credit”). Please review this document to learn how incoming homeschool credit is evaluated.

MVCS/MVEP Nondiscrimination Notice

In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1975, and other applicable laws and regulations, neither the District nor MVCS discriminate against otherwise qualified students on the basis of disability or need for special education services in enrollment. In addition, the District is committed to providing qualified students with disabilities who are enrolled in its primary or secondary education programs with a free appropriate public education (FAPE), regardless of the nature or severity of the student’s disability.

In order to assure that its enrollment process affords qualified students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from all its programs and activities, MVCS admits all students strictly on a space-available, first-come, first-served basis without regard to whether a student has a disability. MVCS staff shall not inquire regarding a student’s disability or make any determination regarding a student’s needs prior to enrollment (merely expressing interest in the school or placement on a waitlist does not constitute enrollment). For each qualified student with a disability who enrolls in MVCS, the school shall engage in an individualized inquiry to determine the student’s needs. This individualized inquiry will involve the student’s parents, and will be conducted for the purpose of determining how MVCS may support the student to afford an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the school’s activities and programs. This process shall apply to all students, including home-schooled students who have enrolled part-time in the Mesa Valley Enrichment Program (MVEP) offered by MVCS. You may view the MVCS enrollment procedure—which ensures that there is no discrimination against students with disabilities with regard to enrollment—HERE.

Further, MVCS adheres to District policies and complaint procedures regarding nondiscrimination. Such policies and procedures are posted on the District’s website, www.D51schools.org, and may also be accessed via the following links:

  • AC—Nondiscrimination

  • AC-E-1—Nondiscrimination

  • AC-R-1—Nondiscrimination (Compliance and Complaint Procedures)

In the event you have a complaint or other concern regarding discrimination on the basis of disability, you may also contact the District’s compliance officer for assistance. The contact information for the District’s compliance officer is as follows:

Jan Blair

596 N. Westgate Drive

Grand Junction, CO 81505

(970) 254-5500 x 12102


We value our continued partnership with you in the education of your children. If you have any questions or concerns about this matter, please let us know by filling out our form HERE.