Mesa Valley Community School Overview
Mesa Valley Community School exists to serve both the homeschool population and students who benefit from a blended learning school option, providing a distinct, common culture for our students and allowing them to build supportive and positive social connections. A D51 charter school, we serve all grades (K-12) and offer two distinct programs for our students—a homeschool enrichment program, and a blended learning school which combines the structure of the classroom on some days with the opportunity to do classwork at home on the other days of the week. Students complete 1, 2, or 3 days at our campus (depending on their grade level and program); other assignments, activities and lesson are completed at home. MVCS offers many choices to students to personalize their learning and choose the schedule that works best for them, providing opportunities for students to experience voice, choice, and community.
Mesa Valley Enrichment Program (MVEP) Grades K-5 Overview
For our youngest students, we offer an emphasis on enrichment 1 or 2 days a week. Children enrolled in MVEP must be registered as homeschool students and are also registered with MVEP as part-time students. MVEP classes are designed to provide enrichment activities and reinforce core academic concepts for homeschool students. Students enjoy friendly and welcoming classes that are small enough to allow for each child to be seen as an individual and which give them a chance to be with other homeschool students. Students enroll in one of two Tracks. Track 1 meets on Mondays and Wednesdays; Track 1 meets on Fridays.
When students aren’t in MVEP, they “do school” most of the week at home. Parents take full responsibility for their child’s schooling and follow the legal homeschool requirements. Parents teach their child at home the way they think is best, at the pace their child needs, using whatever curriculum they want. They may even check out curriculum to use all year at home. Parents work with their child to make progress toward grade level expectations and get feedback from assessments taken at MVEP to make sure their child is growing academically. If students are struggling, MVEP helps trouble-shoot and provides early intervention for reading challenges. However, because MVEP students are part-time students and such students do not qualify for IEPs, students needing SPED services may be better served at a school which offers full-time enrollment.
Throughout the year, students may also participate in extra events like an art fair and field trips. During the first 6 weeks of the second semester, MVEP offers Explore! Time, which is an exciting change of pace that allows students to try a fun activity like rock climbing, gymnastics, martial arts, ice skating, science, etc. at no cost to them. Explore! Time happens on Friday afternoon during the first 6 weeks of the second semester. Both Track 1 and Track 2 students are invited to participate in Explore! Time, but it is not required. Friday Track 2 classes are reduced to the mornings and students do the activity they signed up for in the afternoon.
MVEP’s goal is to offer meaningful classes to supplement the work parents do with their child at home, provide a vibrant learning community, and help parents shoulder the responsibility of homeschooling with excellence.
Mesa Valley Community School (MVCS) Grades 6-12 Overview
For our older students, we offer classes for our students within a 2 or 3-day-a-week blended-learning framework. Students have the option of including other types of classes as appropriate for their grade, areas of interest, and skill level (online or independent study; work experience; a class at a D51 school, CMU, or CMU Tech.) Students enrolled in MVCS may either be full-time students of MVCS or be registered homeschool students who attend MVCS part-time. MVCS classes are designed to be full classes (not enrichment, as offered by MVEP). High school classes are placed on a student’s transcript and meet graduation requirements. Additionally, MVCS supports students with special needs because of IEP, 504, ALP, and ELL (part-time students are not eligible for IEPs or ALPs). Because of the unique blended learning structure of MVCS, when students aren’t at MVCS or other campuses, they “do school” the rest of the week at home and can flex their schedule as needed on those days. This offers an educational option not available anywhere else in the Valley.
If students are enrolled full-time with MVCS, parents support their child’s learning at home and manage their child’s schedule (designate and enforce study times, provide transportation, provide input into which classes are chosen, etc.). MVCS is responsible for the overall educational program of the student, but the parent is able to have their child at home 2 or 3 days a week and still be involved by helping the student navigate their classes and stay on-track. Middle school students attend classes 2 days a week (Tuesdays & Thursdays). High school students attend classes 3 days a week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays). The blended learning model for classes provides key instruction on-site during class time, with other work completed at home. Students have school work to do when they are not on-site, but they have some flexibility to complete these requirements in a way that fits their personal schedule best. At MVCS, students are excited to be part of a small, welcoming learning community, but are not with each other day-in and day-out, allowing students time for other social connections outside of school.
If students are homeschooled and enroll part-time with MVCS, parents take full responsibility for their child’s schooling and follow the legal homeschool requirements. MVCS also provides workshops or one-on-one support that help parents be good teachers for their children. High school students have access to college and career resources and staff. MVCS’s goal is to offer a complete education for students who choose to school at home, preparing students to make the transition from high school to college or career.
Middle School (Grades 6-8) Choices
Middle school students attend classes on-site two days a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays), with other work completed at home.
High School (Grades 9-12) Choices
High school students attend classes on-site three days a week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays), with other work completed at home. Students who are eligible for and schedule concurrent classes (CMU/CMU Tech) have tuition paid for by the school; books and fees are the responsibility of the family.
Part-Time high school students indicate a preference for their classes, but their schedules are not confirmed until AFTER full-time students are scheduled. They choose one of the following:
2 MVCS classes (not including the option of work experience and/or independent study)
1 MVCS class and 1 D51 crossover class
1 MVCS class and 1 CMU class
1 D51 Career Center program
1 CMU Tech program
3-11 college credits at CMU
Full-Time high school students receive their complete academic program from MVCS and earn a D51 diploma. Students attend classes and electives for 3 days per week (Tuesday/Thursday and Wednesday afternoon), and complete their other coursework at home or on other school campuses.
Click on the links below for more information.
Grades K-5 Brochure—Mesa Valley Enrichment Program (MVEP)
Grades 6-12 Brochure—Mesa Valley Community School (MVCS)
Homeschool Brochure—Grades K-12 (MVEP & MVCS)