March 7, 2025(Friday)
Hand in one 8X10 printed photo. We will make a photocopy and return the original.
Submit 12 photos for the slideshow at graduation.
Submit the name of a song choice to play during slideshow at graduation. Song should be approx. 1 min.; tell us where to start in the song.
Hand in digital biography, max 100 words written in first-person; include personal info and your post-graduation plans. This will be printed in the graduation program.
Write your 1 paragraph bio for the graduation ceremony. Include any awards you have received, the one person you would like to thank and at least one interest.
March 8, 2025(Saturday) – 8AM to 3PM
CMU Experience – Lunch provided
April 12, 2025(Saturday) – 8AM to 3PM
CMU Experience – Lunch provided
April 25, 2025(Friday) – 6:30PM to 8:30pm @ MVCS
Senior Acclaim
May 15, 2025(Thursday) – 9AM to Noon @ MVCS
Senior Check-out
May 15, 2025(Thursday) – 3:30PM @ CMU Ballroom
Graduation Ceremony Run-through
May 15, 2025(Thursday) – 5PM @ CMU Ballroom
Graduation Ceremony